October 20, 2009

If It Was So Simple

Do you mind if I record this?

There is probably a serious discussion on what I am about to write that I reserve the right to pontificate to nauseam in the future but for now I just want o keep simple and light.

There are four things right off the top of my head that are important to me when I fuck a man:

1) I enjoy it.
2) He enjoys it.
3) If we enjoy it that he feels comfortable in wanting to do it again if we choose to.
4) That I do not use him in some way like mislead or do something that he would really be uncomfortable or disprove of.

I switched to an iPhone several months ago. When I first got it the phone came with all of the applications that are thought was a waste of space but since have found many of them to be very useful. But the one application that got my brain all excited and racing in all sorts of thoughts and possibilities was the app that allows a person to record from the phone and if you want email it to yourself or anyone.

Now all of you cuckolds and those thinking about wanting to be cuckold should be thinking the same thing that I think about and of course that is recording a little sex session with a bull with it. Now there have been ways in the past to do such a thing but often you were a prisoner to the way more then creating possibilities.

Here are some of the ones that my mind has come up with over the months I have owned this phone:

1) Email my slave after finished and in particular when he had no idea I was sleeping with a guy so it is a surprise to him when he gets it.

2) When I am back with my slave we play it back together and I add my commentary to the recording.

3) Make him some mix CD that has a bunch of love songs and sneak in a portion of a recording.

4) Same as #3 but make a whole CD of various best of recordings.

5) When having sex with my slave play the recording and tell him I need to listen to it because it makes it easier for me to imagine I am fucking someone besides him.

Difference between reality and fiction

Sadly though the reality of recording a sex session can be far more difficult to make happen then when we imagine such a thing in our fantasies as the biggest thing for this is the fact a third person has entered into the picture. I always can often tell when I have read people stories of cuckold situations where many of them clearly are pure fiction. The reason being because the man fucking the wife is often so non descript or out of stereotype central for bulls all happy to have the husband there and help humiliate them.

The reality is most men naked in the same room maybe outside of a gym shower can wig them out. Throw in having the husband in the room or in the house and that to most men is at best highly uncomfortable and at worse a no way and no how situation for them.  My point is going back to the four things I mentioned that are important when fucking another man. That the experience for both of us relies on each being comfortable and being able to focus on the sex without distractions as much as possible simply makes the best experience.

Now do not get me wrong you can find men that enjoy some or all of the more stereotyping elements of the bull role but for me personally I do not limit my sexual partners based on if they can do such things or not as it is far too limiting. This goes to recording sex on audio as to me I would not do it secretly to the man but have to have his agreement which more times then not would be at least awkward and with the strong probability of no way. Plus the odds are it would not help the sexual performance as it would way on the man’s mind.

But there will be men that will get into that. They will probably be the same men that enjoy and get turned on when I am with them and I call my slave up on the phone types would be my best guess as they seem to really enjoy tasting what they think is forbidden fruit.

So I go about my life now hoping to use this iPhone application soon. I just need to find the right man and to ask him if I can record what we do together and let the fun begin.


  1. Jen

    I read this this other night, but didn't quite get it as much as your other posts on this topic (particularly "Cuckolding My New Man"). I couldn't quite work out why. Was it the element of technology/equipment in the scenario? While seeing profiles which mention "rope" and "shibari" and stuff like that really makes my heart sink, I actually love Iphones, so I don't think that was the problem. Secondly I wondered, could it be just too cruel, even for you, for instance the idea of playback with running commentary? Again, not quite. Again, there is cruelty there, but not off the scale (in your terms). Could it be the evident glee in the list of possibilities you make for playback? Again, not really. The "Eternal Joy of Watersports" posting was if anything more gleeful and mischievous, so it wasn't that. But then it finally struck me.

    Perhaps what makes cuckolding so potent for the victim, is that **you never really know the full details**. Perhaps it works like homeopathy (I am using the word "work" here in a very loose sense), by which I mean, the smaller the dose, the more potent the effect. Ultimately the torment for the cuckold is in mentally filling the gaps in the narrative, the first contact, the seduction, the final amplesso. If however, you could listen to the whole thing, start to finish, would not the mystery be lost, and the torment much attenuated, because there is nothing left to imagine?

    Marshall McCluhan talks about "hot" vs "cool" media - the former, such as tv, virtual reality, cinema, are totally immersive, your mind does not have to imagine anything. On the other hand, cool media, such as a novel or poem, requires the reader to actively imagine the scenario beyond the words. I am wondering if cuckolding par excellence requires a "cool" media, and that by too much documentary evidence, you actually reduce the effect rather than increase it. As Milton wrote, "The mind is its own place, and can make a hell of heaven and a heaven of hell".


  2. Steve,

    I guess I would explain the tone of this post as being mixed of excitement of having this potential thing create new ways to experience cuckolding but tempered down by the reality of most men are simply either not going to want to be recorded and how it would affect the enjoyment of the sex and what either one of us might do just because it is recorded. I was just trying to point out the bridge of fantasy and reality is not very smooth.

    I do not think any of my suggestions are all that much crueler then anything I have done before and what most things one is to read about in a cuckolding relationship. It still takes a compatibility aspect and a man that enjoys being cuckold in a power exchange relationship is probably going to enjoy what I do to them.

    I think what is lost is the usual context. One gets caught up in thinking about the examples in a vacuum and not part of a complete loving relationship. Yes, the things done are cruel but they are not the only or the majority of things I do for my slave and one important is when tormenting them is to still show they are my one and only for sharing my heart and being happy.



I welcome and enjoy any comments, opinions and questions including the bad and ugly. I only have one request and that you always refer to me as Jen. That is my name and no formalities like Mistress or Madam.