September 17, 2009

Advice to all the submissive men

Cyber is a vast wasteland where all types come together. But there is one thing in common and that is adults do not really change and wearing masks will never work for anyone sincerely looking for another person that they fit that want a real life 24/7 relationship. Do not see yourself get frustrated or give up hope because you decide to waste your time on insincere people out of hopeful thinking. Basically that women with ten words on her essay but an attractive picture is not going to be sincere looking for her long term Mister right.

There are sincere people on a site like this looking for a real relationship. There are also going to be many who are insincere some obvious and some fooling themselves more then trying to fool others. In cyber a person can call themselves what they want, they can claim a decade of experience when not having one minute, they can claim they are looking for real life but never meet anyone in real life and all of these things. I am not going to write the spot the fake or whatever derogatory word for someone insincere that lies to others or themselves on a site like this but I do want to point to a few things.

1) People looking to find a real person for real life will project themselves as human and sane. Male or female and dominant or submissive if the person acts like some out there stereotype they are simply not worth your time.

2) My new guy has a great thought about people online that if they do not have an open mind and an open heart you need to pass them by. A profile and journal entries filled with negativity and down right hatred for the people one is looking for is not worth replying to. They are just not really open to meeting someone for any number of reasons that need to be taken care of before they actually do.

3) Do not play the fool and buy into thinking there are nobody on here, but of course you, sincere in wanting a real life power exchange relationship. Men I have to tell you how easily the insincere play you by how much you like to hear about all the other males being fake. Well guess what that is just not the case. I was on here a little more then a month and had eight men I had serious interest in and could have been compatible with. There were probably another eight to ten men I could have easily found to be the same way but just did not have the time or want to waste theirs. Personally I do not buy for one second any female regardless of role or even on a vanilla dating sight to be even remotely sincere in their quest if they have been on a site longer then a couple of months and have not met a man in real life.

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I welcome and enjoy any comments, opinions and questions including the bad and ugly. I only have one request and that you always refer to me as Jen. That is my name and no formalities like Mistress or Madam.