September 17, 2009

Cuckolding My New Man

I have discovered and enjoyed just how cuckolding my man can be done in such different type ways that makes this form of control, humiliation and showing of love and devotion. My ex had a monogamous gut feeling with a lust of humiliation. Just doing another man or him seeing or talking to another man that had done me was enough to kick him into being lowered and humiliated. It was easy and fun.

My new man will take more work as he shares the same philosophy as I do when it comes to sex in a relationship and that it is mostly physical pleasure and that monogamy is more about control and soothing insecurity of a lover leaving then it is about expressing love. That if you do not have the other’s heart and just have the threat of no sex as a way to keep a person then you do not have much of a relationship anyway. Now it is a nice thing to share this philosophy but it makes it much more difficult to cuckold him in a way that humiliates him and ignites my sadistic flames.

He is also different to my ex as my ex was very handsome and had a profession that made women willing to do pretty much anything to land a man like him, thankfully most women cannot take charge and lead in relationships in an assertive way. My guy, while I think he is a cutie, is not a turn heads guy and has a job that women do not swoon over. This combined with his sexual attitudes he enjoys seeing me getting checked out and will most certainly enjoy me on his arm while men who have had me are present. Like many men active in the swinger lifestyle or open relationships are about their woman in a yeah she is hot and horny and she always comes back to me because I make her heart go pitter patter way.

Pretty much from my earlier experiences and knowing other women that cuckold their man the biggest hurdle when push comes to shove is when the first time you have another man fuck you and either the man can or cannot handle it. I pretty much decided to do this early on as I was not about to waste time with a man that could not handle it. But with my guy it turned out to not be so simple to get both a litmus test and my sadistic thirst quenched. As earlier last week I informed him of a sexual liaison with a co-worker. His reply was surprise that it was the first time I had done it since we have been seeing each other and I had informed him that is something very ordinary for me to do with my particular job and hours worked. So much for getting any extra thrill out of his reaction!

So last Friday night I decided to kick it up a gear. He paid me a visit I was wearing nothing but a short silk robe and proceeded to greet him like he was about to get very lucky. Then making sure I had him all worked up I pulled back and informed him I had to get ready for my date with another man that night. I the ordered him to sit at my kitchen table with the lights off and better be like that when I return home. I wanted him only thinking about me on a date with another man. Well came home five hours later and nailed twice by a very horny friend with him sitting at the table. We then went to bed and I made him smell me from head to toe to smell the man and sex on me as much as he could while describing my nice time and throwing in how good the man was. That worked wonderfully with him and even his eyes got a little watery. Very nice and now I know I have something to work with.

I think I got me a very good guy and think the L word will be coming out of my mouth shortly!

1 comment:

  1. Jen,
    That was a very interesting take on things. I find you to be very thought provoking so far. I have only read your profile on CM and decided to check out your blog. I suspect that I have become an advid follower of yours. Your begining to sound like the perfect woman.
    uxorious cockold


I welcome and enjoy any comments, opinions and questions including the bad and ugly. I only have one request and that you always refer to me as Jen. That is my name and no formalities like Mistress or Madam.