November 18, 2009

Tackling Politically Correct

Wanted to answer/share my opinion on a couple of things that people dance around

Is there any value to train/learn to be a good slave before finding the one to serve?

There are always things we can do in life that can make us more well rounded, self improved and expand our skill sets. We can forget just about female dominants but all women are going to be more attracted to a man with his shit together and has interests and skill sets that come into play when a male and a female are together especially when we live together on a daily basis.

Often this question gets answered in the politically correct way of telling submissives to take cooking and massage classes and thoughts of things to learn to pamper their future dominant. Now there is no denying the fact anyone from either gender that has mad cooking and massage skills plus anything else that would make a nicer life for their other is not a good thing. But let me ask you this question has anyone ever dumped someone that made them happy because they could not cook or give a god massage? If a dominant is going to decide for or against you based on those types of things then that dominant is not worth having a good person to be with.  But if you are truly hopeless in the kitchen that is not good and just show signs of laziness and taking shortcuts in life. Cooking the basics is not that hard.

On the flip side if you think buying a chastity device, anal plug and things of this nature and use them on yourself is “training” you might as well go the final step and create an imaginary mistress to take ownership of you. Delusion is not a good thing nor is delusional justification. Enjoy those things then who am I to rain on another’s enjoyment but please do not call it training.

If you want to improve your chances of finding your significant other and forming a strong relationship forget the bells and whistles. Focus on becoming self aware of who you are and who will be compatible for you so you do not waste time for two people that you can never get back by chasing anyone or for the wrong reasons. Get your life in order and get yourself into a good mental place and do not expect someone else to do it for you. The former is attractive to people and the latter is a run away from situation for most.

Are cyber/long distant D/s relationships as real/same as real life ones?

Real no one can ever answer that. It could be real or two people in utter delusion but I know real life couples who are completely in delusion thinking they have one but they have nothing of the sort so who is able to give a real answer.

Are they the same? No way! You are not with someone day in and day out and never have been with that person even for a little bit. Only in cyber and the power dynamic way can people fool themselves into thinking they have what a real life and real time couple have regardless of the dynamic. Again forget the bells and whistles of a relationship but focus on all the work and sacrifice we invest in our relationships. Sorry, are you attending all the business parties, family obligations, money issues, day to day choices we make in life and on and on. In a bad mood and/or tired instead of a shorter phone call/web cam session you still are there with your other for the whole night.  Have to take care of the person when they are sick? I could go on and on.

If a regular person told their best friend I met a guy on the internet a thousand miles away and we are mad for each other and I consider ourselves to have the exact same relationship as someone who is married and been together. This person would get laughed at. But we have ourselves a power exchange relationship and poof magic logic can fool the want to be fooled that they are in fact in a similar relationship.

Now does that make those relationships lower, lame, worse and other negative words? Not at all but it does not make them the same with the same stakes because the investment is not the same and there is no getting around that fact. If a relationship makes you happy then be happy about that. My only concern and this transcends to any type of relationship do you think or know it will make you happy in the long run or are you ignoring some obvious things that could come back to bite you on your ass.

Heck that happened to me. I married and we loved each other well past when we got a divorce. But I married a man that came from a large family that had always wanted kids and we both ignored this until it blew up in our faces.

Looks are unimportant

It is the ultimate political correct bull shit.

Looks always count for something. For most of us looks tend not to dominate the wish list though. But to think if Matt Damon or John Goodman was hitting on me and both seem nice who is coming home with me? But safe behind our computers or in front of people where what we say will never get actually tested we can say this and think we come off as a good person and often judge themselves better then others who do have positive thoughts on looks.

The fact is any information we take in goes toward our feelings and thoughts of the person, especially on our first impression. Going back to my example if one does not think Matt Damon does not get more leeway to make a good impression then John Goodman for most women that is denial.

The problem is not if looks matter but if looks or something else is so important to the person they end up all alone and miserable because their standards are not realistic. It is like whenever older people on the personal sites for the power life complain about no one is interested in older people. These same people would not walk into a bar where twenty year olds hang out and complain why no one there was interested in them. But in cyber one tosses off realities and personal things that do not make them perfect for anyone they are interested in. Well looks can be the same way as they factor in but for most of us they are just part of the equation. For those where it is a huge part and they do not measure up the same way they face long odds and even if they find someone still not much to base long term compatibility on.

Looks can be overcome and a handsome man or a beautiful woman can be revolting to a person but do not think for one second looks do not mean something to someone even the ones who utter such political correctness.

1 comment:

  1. Jen

    What has happened! I thought you were going be doing some more bitch-slapping of local community types this month! A week without a blog entry! I don't know what to do with myself.

    Anyway, you deserve a rest. This month you've definitely come up with the funniest line of the blog so far:

    "If you do not think when I have gone looking for places to live that looking for a place that offers the best opportunity for piss play factored into my decision you would be very much wrong. Maybe not at the top of the list but certainly thought about"

    As well as the saddest

    "I married and we loved each other well past when we got a divorce. But I married a man that came from a large family that had always wanted kids and we both ignored this until it blew up in our faces"

    Anyway, I hope everything is going well for you and look forward to the next entry whenever it comes - and to be honest weekly or fortnightly is probably a much saner schedule.

    When the fare has been so good, its difficult though not to want more of it!



I welcome and enjoy any comments, opinions and questions including the bad and ugly. I only have one request and that you always refer to me as Jen. That is my name and no formalities like Mistress or Madam.